A Beautiful Girl I Knew Became a High-Class Escort — And Paid a Terrible Price

One of the most memorable was Gideon. He was an amateur bodybuilder, attractively tanned, with biceps the size of my head.

Despite all of these things, Gideon was also one of the nerdiest guys I know. I mean, the guy had a comic book collection that could make the weebos in Tokyo blush green with envy.

Perhaps owing to the contrasting clash of his dual nature, women were very attracted to him.

He had a revolving series of girlfriends like he was not a mere mortal but some sort of divine rotisserie spit. And what’s more, all of his dates, without exception, were exceptionally beautiful — beautiful enough to make the cover of A-list magazines.

But only one of them stood out to me, long after the others have faded from memory.

For the purpose of anonymity, we’ll call her Mona.

Mona was Mongolian, and like the rest of Gideon’s girlfriends, very attractive. She was slim in a model-like way, and had long black hair that tumbled from her shoulders to frame the swan-shaped curve of her lower back.

But the most alluring thing about her was her eyes. They were large. They were doe-like. They were innocent — or at least they appeared to be. Upon closer inspection, you’d see that her eyes were infused with an air of innocence mixed with mischief.

The first time I saw her, I knew that Gideon had, at long last, met his match. “He’ll never be able to tame her,” I thought. “This girl is a Venus flytrap masquerading as a mimosa.”

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